rain poured upon the city of Mascath, and I was freezing to the bone. In these
times of war, people fear the darkness, and the night was long when I reached
the gates. They told me no one was to enter, as the enemy was not to be trusted.
Told them I was a soldier, offered to fight on the walls in exchange for
shelter and food. The answer? My hands wouldn’t match my appetite. And oh, it
was big, my appetite. I spied some archers setting their aims upon me as I
stood immobile. Walking for 2 days straight with the scarce food and water I
managed to smuggle through the mercenary camp, I was in no condition to fight
or argue. So I pitched my tent, right outside the wall and slept for a day.
They still didn’t let me in. By
the second day they warned me, told me to get away from the village if I were
to survive the attack. The war is ruthless, and without reinforcements from the
kingdoms, many settlements are lost, for they cannot cope with the undying will
of our enemies. I had 2 slices of bread, a piece of smoked meat and a swig’s
worth of water. But I still lay there, under the blazing heat of the day.
Although recovered from most fatigue and wounds, hunger was setting in. As the
night came, so did the rain. I set my canteen in the mud, in hopes to get it
filled with rain. Soon after, a hide bottle came flying down to land on my
doorstep. I looked up and the Captain atop the wall told me the vile beasts
poison he air, poison the water, poison the land. They trusted only their own
water. I still don’t understand, but the fluid he threw me was not water. Did
they not notice the Flow around it? The next day came with an unusually fair
weather. The breeze swept my hair back and forth with a caress’ gentleness,
giving me the time and spirit to ponder, bring back old memories, my purpose.
The night came early that day, and the wall warned me again that the enemy was
near. Hunger and ache overcame me, and I fell asleep for what seemed a measly
minute. I jumped, crashing my poor tent, and the noise all around was that of
metal and shouts. As I became aware of the scene, I realized I was being
surrounded by a large group of the enemy’s host. With newly-found strength, I
tried to remember my teachings. Must have been the water. I had energy, and my
aches were soothed. The movements flew so smooth, and the words, oh they came
flashing into my mind like fireflies in the dark.
I felt glorious, accomplished.
“So who is it to blame then,
hero? Your masters, the men atop the wall, or yourself?”
“Death is not to be blamed upon,
for being welcomed into the Heavens is the greates of honours, my Goddess.”